Wednesday, June 9, 2010

This should be interesting

Hello world. This is my blog. It is new. Brand new. It does not have an interesting layout or design. It has no central theme or topic. It was--as are most of the other things in my life--a decision that was incredibly last minute and poorly thought out. Which is fine; I've come to terms with that.

The only two things that I know enough about to consistently offer information are "30 Rock" and myself. So this is a blog about me. (ENTER Narcissism jokes). Yes, yes. I know. How original. A blog written by some random person about their daily life. Well, to all of you pessimistic souls in the world (the ones who have nothing else better to do than to read this. I kid, please keep reading.), I am trying something different. Instead of "The world through the Eyes of John," I hope to offer a look into "The World through the Eyes of an ENFP, whose name just happens to be John."

So those are the stipulations I will try to follow. Present images and anecdotes as interpreted by an ENFP. "What is an ENFP?" you may ask. Interesting story: I am an ENFP. It is a personality type that is directly associated with Meyers-Brigg's Personality Type Testing.

The "E" stands for Extroverted as opposed to Introverted ("I"). This means that the majority of our--"us" being ENFPs--energy comes from the outside world: people, places, things, etc. We love to be around a lot of people and a lot of things. Talking to other people makes us jump up and down in delight, to the chagrin of my mother. Introverts, on the other hand, would rather spend their time alone. Their energy is made inside their own mind. They prefer to be alone and accomplish tasks, which is incredibly foreign to an extrovert.

The "N" means that instead of Sensing ("S"), We are iNtuitive (yes, intuitive. they already use an "I" for introverts, so they settled for an "N"). When analyzing data we use our gut feeling to tell us what's going on. Instinct drives ENFPs to interpret information. Those "S"s use their senses and really examine every possible idea and think incredibly literally and analyze every piece of information.

The "F" stands for Feeling and not Thinking ("T"). When making decisions, ENFPs think with their hearts instead of their minds, more or less. Personal relationships are key to us because we love people. We make decisions based on how we feel. For instance, ENFPs may get really angry and quit their job on the spot due to a rise in strong emotions without fully thinking the consequences of, you know, not having a job. Thinkers would not do that.

Finally, the "P" stands for Perception instead of Judgement ("J"). This means, essentially, that spontaneity rules over organization. Basically, ENFPs do not have a set schedule that they follow, and if we have made one up, it is rare for us to follow it. We get excited about the idea of starting something, however follow up seems to be a problem (story of my life). So, I can't promise that this blog will continue for very long. Sorry guys, but I will try my darnedest to continue writing.

And to those people who are reading this, Thanks. I gave you a hard time earlier, but now that you now what all this stuff might be about, you might be prone to stay around and see life through the eyes of an ENFP.